RIP Poly Styrene...


Below, the promo pic for "Silly Billy," released in 1976 under Poly's birth name Mari Elliott via the wobbly auspice of UK imprint GTO. The photo was published as a "blackmail" item in the December 23, 1978 issue of the NME. Thus, the de rigueur period typography...

Sleep softly, Mari.



Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Beyond Talented, Beyond Great, Beyond Wonderfull, and now beyond earthly concerns. I miss Mari Elliot. If there is an afterlife the ether is better for her presence.
ommyth said…
Agreed times two, Anons. We have to be rational and admit that the likelihood of an "afterlife" is probably close to zero percent, but it's somehow comforting to speculate that hers would likely be populated by seraphic waifs wrapped in lime green foam...

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